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Get Started With Unique: Product Explainer Video

At the end of every quarter, sales leaders face two possible scenarios: their sales team reached their targets, and it's time to celebrate; or they missed their quota, and it's time to reflect on what went wrong.


Unfortunately, the second scenario occurs way too often for anybody's liking. 


And that's where Unique comes into play.


Unique was created in close collaboration with salespeople to serve reps and sales leaders. That's why Unique's primary focus is on sales performance and ways to improve it. 


Our platform leverages AI to analyze every sales call and come up with smart insights. Additionally, Unique uses these insights to evaluate your deal's health. 


Unique's deal score shows you whether the deal has any roadblocks to work on and what action items are needed for its success. 


Thanks to Unique, you will always know what to expect at the end of every quarter. What's even more important, you will be able to step in whenever you see the deal showing red flags and save it before it's too late. 


Watch our product explainer and book your demo right away:


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Written by

Jared Beekhuyzen

Video Content Creator at Unique