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Friday Learnings, Episode 8, Data Driven Goals

Data-driven goals and decisions promote accuracy and precision, don't you agree?


In this episode of Friday Learnings, Susan and Rogerio discussed how they approach data in their day-to-day sales work, and how it helps them achieve better results. 


Data is key to unlocking your sales potential, and here's why:


 - by gathering enough data you will have a overview of all your deal: their strong points and weaknesses as well

 - it will be easier for you to notice the areas of improvement and act on roadblocks faster

 - data helps you focus on the quality of your calls and improve it overtime

 - it also simplifies the search for the ideal customer profile. As you gather more data, you cam identify your ICPs more easily.


The moral of the story is to never neglect your call data and monitor all your deals. All this will help you sell better and be more efficient at your job. 


Watch a new episode of Friday Learnings: Data Driven Goals, and subscribe to our LinkedIn to stay tuned about upcoming episodes. 

Written by

Jared Beekhuyzen

Video Content Creator at Unique