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Friday Learnings, Episode 7, Overcoming Gatekeepers with Kevin Hopp

Are gatekeepers your worst enemy? Probably not, but they sure can get in your hair. 


In this episode of Friday Learnings, Alex and Kevin talk about a very dreaded topic for every cold caller out there: overcoming gatekeepers.


Indeed, this topic is so popular that you can find thousands of theme-related articles about 100+ ways to get past stubborn gatekeepers.


However, who can give you a couple of solid and foolproof tips if not the cold calling king himself – Kevin Hopp, who's made at least half a million sales calls in his career and runs coaching courses to help sales people book more meetings over the phone. 


So what are the main learnings from this week's FL episode?


– be direct when speaking to the gatekeeper

– build a rapport with them and become their friend


To find out about the reasonings behind these tips, watch our Friday Learnings episode.


Stay Unique!

Written by

Jared Beekhuyzen

Video Content Creator at Unique